Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Relationship Management - 4MMCEMR

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 6.0
    • Tutorials 6.0


    ECTS 0.5


Acquiring tools to efficiently manage a team, in authenticity and transparency

Contact Aurélie CATEL, Anne BOLATRE


Highly interactive intervetnion, which will be modulated in accord to participant interests.
To be presented :

  • challenges of the communication in management
  • concepts of relational management
  • tools of relational management
  • application with role-games
    Learning method :
    discussion with participants about the importance of communication in their future job
    programm dispayed by question answer sessions with participants
    Sequence : active phase (discovery pedagogy), then imputs relative to emerging questions, and finally concrete application to integrate the notions ant the tools.



1st session : based on active participation (P) ; asking questions, sharing his/her personnal experience, applying tools which are presented all along the course.
2nd session : exam (E)

N1= E1

N2 = E2

Additional Information

Curriculum->MMIS.->Semester 4
Curriculum->ENGINEERING systm of information->Semester 4
Curriculum->Telecom->Semester 4
Curriculum->SLE.->Semester 4
Curriculum->For Financial Engineering->Semester 4
Curriculum->CORE->Semester 4
Curriculum->MS in Informatics at Grenoble->Semester 4


Le courage d’être soi. Jacques Salomé. Éditeur : Albin Michel.
L'élément humain. William Schultz
Pour ne plus vivre sur la planète Taire : Une méthode pour mieux communiquer. Jacques Salomé. Éditeur : Albin Michel.
Cessez d’être gentil soyez vrai ! Thomas d’Ansembourg. Éditions de l’Homme.
Que Dites-Vous Après Avoir Dit Bonjour ? Eric Berne. Editeur : Tchou.