Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Computational biology - WMM9MO18

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 18.0
    • Projet -
    • TD -
    • Stage -
    • TP -
    • DS -

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 3.0


This interdisciplinary MSc course is designed for applicants with a biomedical, computational or mathematical background. It provides students with the necessary skills to produce effective research in computational biology. The objective of the course is to introduce mathematical biology questions, using stochastic and deterministic approaches for modeling biological systems, and advanced tools for the analysis of biological data.




The topics addressed in this course include a brief introduction to discrete automata processes and differential equations and their application to biological problems. Then the course focuses on models in cellular biology and biomechanics.


No specific prerequisites.

Contrôle des connaissances

oral presentation and lab work assessement

L'examen existe uniquement en anglais FR


Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :

  • Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 Math. et Applications - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN)
  • Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 Informatique - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN)
cf. l'emploi du temps 2020/2021

Informations complémentaires

Code de l'enseignement : WMM9MO18
Langue(s) d'enseignement : FR

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