Phelma Formation 2022

Data base and object oriented design, project - 4PMIPBD1

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 0
    • Projects 0
    • Tutorials 0
    • Internship 0
    • Laboratory works 14.0
    • Written tests 0


    ECTS 1.5


A mini-project to study and apply the above notions :

*Object oriented modeling of software, using UML
*Modeling of data to be included in a data base, implementation of a relational data base, and queries on it
*Implementation of a prototype written in Java/JDBC.

Contact Christophe BOBINEAU


Christophe BOBINEAU


*Introduction to the subject
*Object oriented analysis and modeling of the mini-project
*Modeling of the data and design of the data base for the mini-project
*Presentation of the API of JDBC
*Implementation of the data base of the mini-project
*Software design and implementation of the mini-project


Cours Principes des SGBD
Cours ACVL
Java programing


Report + Source code + Project defense -> P

Pas de rattrapage en 2ème session


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Embedded Systems & Connect. Devices - Semester 8
see the course schedule for 2020-2021

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Engineering degree->Semester 8


C. Delobel et M. Adiba, Bases de données et systèmes relationnels, Dunod Informatique, 1982
G. Gardarin, Bases de données objet et relationnel, Eyrolles, 1999
T. Connolly et C. Begg, Systèmes de bases de données, Editions Reynald Goulet, 2005
P.-A. Muller et N. Gaertner, Modélisation object avec UML, 2ème édition, Eyrolles, 2000