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  1. Seminar LICHENS - Stay online indoors

    Launched in March 2021 after incubation at SATT Linksium, the Lichens start-up uses a process from IMEP-LAHC to improve telephone network signal reception in buildings, without losing thermal insulation quality. This technology is a patented innovation of IMEP-LaHC
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 24/06/2021
  2. Lithium metal negative electrode: metallurgical and electrochemical aspects

    Lucile Magnier thesis " Lithium metal negative electrode: metallurgical and electrochemical aspects "
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 24/06/2021
  3. Xarian: a start-up that has been resilient throughout the crisis

    Pauline, Xavier, Yan and Dorian are all graduates of Grenoble INP - Génie industriel and met while working at Bombardier. Together with Benoît, who comes from the EPFL*, they launched Xarian, a supply chain consulting company. Created a few days before the health crisis, the start-up had to put its activity on hold during the first lockdown in March 2020. Its creators then imagined a second company that offers a software solution for operations management (supply chain, manufacturing, security), thus maintaining remote activity. We met Xavier Feltin (GI2010), one of the co-creators, to discuss this experience.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 23/06/2021
  4. PhD Defense of Renan LETHIECQ

    Electrothermal study of innovative electronics structures in submicron technology
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 16/09/2020
  5. Seminars 2020

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 15/04/2020
  6. Tom Jeannesson: a Junior World Championship season

    The mogul skiing competition season is over. Time for Tom Jeannesson, a high-level sportsman and student in his third year at La Prépa des INP in Grenoble, to take stock. Having achieved 14th and 15th place at the World Championships, his results are very encouraging, as his goal was to be in the top 16 this season.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 23/06/2021
  7. Antoine Largeron: “My two specialities, art and science, enrich each other”

    Antoine Largeron is in his 3rd year at Grenoble INP - Ense3, UGA, in the SICOM* programme, jointly performed with Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA. He is a skilled musician, and now enjoys the status of High Level Artist in sound engineering as a Digital Signal Processing engineer. He is currently carrying out his final year internship, and shares with us his scientific and artistic background which destined him for a career as a sound engineer.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 23/06/2021
  8. Thesis defence by Clément LAUSECKER

    Chemical synthesis and integration of ZnO nanowires for the development of piezoelectric nanogenerators
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 13/04/2021
  9. Testimonial of Alima

    Before applying to the Master’s in Sustainable Industrial Engineering at Grenoble INP - Génie Industriel, Alima Ahmed had already worked as Research and Development Engineer, and as Merchandising Manager at a supplier of Decathlon Bangladesh. Alima graduated in 2020 and she is now working as Logistics Manager in a marketplace called Singulart in Paris, France.
    • Type : Article
    • - 05/05/2021
  10. Testimonial of Hamidreza

    Hamidreza Pourzarei specifically chose the Sustainable Industrial Engineering Master’s at Grenoble INP - Génie Industriel to learn Industrial Engineering from a sustainable perspective. Hamidreza currently lives in Montréal, Canada, where he is a doctoral student and researcher. The subject of his research project is using Engineering Change Management (ECM) practices as a basis for accurate BIM (Building Information Modeling) and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) comparison.
    • Type : Article
    • - 05/05/2021