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    • GRENOBLE Scientific Polygon
    • GRENOBLE Campus

    Master Functionalized Advanced Materials Engineering - Fame+

    • GRENOBLE Scientific Polygon

    Master's Degree in Engineering Grenoble INP - Phelma,Materials Science and Engineering Program (SIM)

    All courses are taught in English except for 8 hours of functional analysis in the Product Materials course.
    • GRENOBLE Scientific Polygon

    Master's Degree in Engineering Grenoble INP - Phelma, Signal and image processing, communication systems, multimedia (SICOM)

    French English
  1. Paper by Michel Langlet 2021

    The paper "Resonant waveguide grating fabrication on planar and cylindrical substrates using a photosensitive TiO2 sol-gel approach" has been published in Optical Material Express
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 11/12/2020
  2. Picture of the month - December 2020

    Harlequin twins
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 04/12/2020
  3. Applications for our International Master are open !

    • Type : Actualité
    • - 01/12/2020
  4. A new award for Etienne Perret

    After having received the MIT Technology Review Innovators award and the Innovative techniques for Environment award in 2013, the Léon Brillouin SEE/IEEE award in 2016 and the prestigious ERC award in 2018 and then the MTT-S Oustanding Young Engineer Award in 2019, Etienne Perret has received a new award from the Science Academy and the Telecom Institute in France with the Young researcher award.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 27/11/2020
  5. And one more award for Etienne Perret!

    The Academie des Sciences was missing from his collection of awards… But no longer! After the MIT Technology Review Innovators and the Innovative Environment Techniques prize in 2013, an IUF nomination in 2015, the Léon Brillouin SEE/IEEE prize in 2016, the prestigious ERC recognition in 2018, and finally, the International MTT-S Outstanding Young Engineer Award in 2019, Etienne Perret just received the IMT Espoir Prize from the Academie des Sciences. Etienne is currently an associate professor at Grenoble INP-Esisar, UGA, and head of the ORSYS team at the System Design and Integration lab (Grenoble INP/UGA).
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 27/11/2020
  6. Publication by Damir Pinek

    The article entitled "Near Fermi level electronic structure of Ti3SiC2 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy" has been published in Physical Review B
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 15/09/2020
  7. Review whithin the HARVESTORE FET PROACTIVE project

    The paper "In situ and operando characterisation techniques for solid oxide electrochemical cells: Recent advances" has been published in JPhys Energy
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 17/10/2020