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  1. Functional materials by vapour chemical growth techniques scalable to large area

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 20/10/2019
  2. Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition - AACVD

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 21/10/2019
  3. Postdoctoral subject 2020

    Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 17/10/2019
  4. Roadmap IRDS : Francis Balestra in charge of european activities

    After coordinating the European project H2020 NEREID (2015-2018) dedicated to the European Nanoelectronics Roadmap, Francis Balestra, Director of Research at the CNRS, Deputy Vice President of Grenoble INP in charge of Europe, and member of the Governing Board of the European Sinano Institute, coordinates the European activities of the International Roadmap IRDS (International Roadmap for Devices and Systems).
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 16/10/2019
  5. Catherine Picart Awarded Academy of Sciences Prize

    After receiving a CNRS medal in 2016, Catherine Picart was rewarded by the Academy of Sciences for her research work. Catherine Picart is a professor at Grenoble INP - Phelma and a researcher at LMGP (UMR-CNRS, Grenoble INP). As of September 1st, she has been on provisional assignment as head of the IRIG Health Department (Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Grenoble). Catherine Picart is an internationally recognized expert on biomaterials, bioactive surfaces and their applications.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 16/10/2019
  6. Seminar LMGP - 19/11/2019 - Punam MURKUTE

    Emerging Material Zinc Magnesium Oxide: Growth, Synthesis And High Sensitive Device Applications
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 14/10/2019
  7. Adsorption and aggregation of proteins at material surfacesS

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 09/10/2019
  8. Paper by Sara Aghazadehchors 2019

    The peprr " Versatility of bilayer metal oxide coatings on silver nanowire networks for enhanced stability with minimal transparency loss" has been published in Nanoscale
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 12/10/2019
  9. ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) for RFICs

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 29/07/2011
  10. Minituarized hybrid DBR filters

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 28/07/2011