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  1. Paper by Odette Chaix and Charlotte Vendrely 2019

    The paper Ultraviolet–visible–near-infrared optical properties of amyloid fibrils shed light on amyloidogenesis " has been published in Nature Photonics
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 16/06/2019
  2. Paper by Odette Chaix 2019

    The paper "First-order Raman scattering of rare-earth containing i-MAX single crystals (Mo2/3 RE1/)3AlC, RE= {Nd},{Gd},{Dy},{Ho} " has been published in PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 16/06/2019
  3. The 2019 Summer Schools have started!

    On Tuesday, June 11, Grenoble INP has welcomed the international students who will be participating in the 2019 summer schools, which will last until Friday, July 12.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 14/06/2019
  4. Save the date Thursday, september 5, 2019

    Journée scientifique consacrée à la présentation des travaux en cours. Cette journée s'adresse à toutes les équipes des labos du labex CEMAM et aux extérieurs impliqués dans les thèses CEMAM en cours. (Le programme est en cours de réalisation)
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 10/06/2019
  5. Automatic control and Intelligence Systems - Overview and career opportunities

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 22/07/2009
  6. Paper by Viet Nguyen & João Resende 2019

    The paper "Low-cost fabrication of flexible transparent electrodes based on Al doped ZnO and silver nanowire nanocomposites: impact of the network density " has been published in Nanoscale
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 11/06/2019
  7. Living in Grenoble

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 14/09/2012
  8. Papier de Clement Lausecker

    The paper "Formation mechanisms of ZnO nanowires on polycrystalline Au seed layers for piezoelectric applications" has been published in Nanotechnology
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 07/06/2019
  9. SEEEP Summer School 2019 - invitation to PhD students 12-25 August 2019

    The yearly 2-week Energy PhD School will take place at Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) and Zhejiang University (ZJU) in Hangzhou between 12 and 25 August 2019. The theme of the PhD school this year is “Affordable Energy Transition: technological solutions and socio-economic constraints”.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 07/06/2019
  10. Master's Degree in Engineering major in Electrical Engineering and Energetics (GEE) - Semester 7

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 06/06/2019