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  1. Papier de Morgane Bonnel 2019

    The paperer "Micro-structuration of a sol-gel architecture for channel waveguide / diffraction grating coupling" has been published in Optical Materials
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 15/04/2019
  2. Paper by Fanny Morisot 2019

    The paper "ZnO based nanowire network for gas sensing applications" has been published in Materials Research Express
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 10/05/2019
  3. Eiffel Excellence Scholarship for Esisar !

    A Vietnamese student from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) got an Eiffel scholarship to study at Esisar next September.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 09/05/2019
  4. Paper of the SALD team in collaboration with the University of Waterloo

    The paper "Ultrathin TiOx Interface?Mediated ZnO?Nanowire Memristive Devices Emulating Synaptic Behaviors" has been published in Advanced Electronic Materials
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 08/05/2019
  5. Artificial Intelligence: Univ. Grenoble Alpes will host a 3IA institute

    The "MIAI Grenoble Alpes" project to host an interdisciplinary artificial intelligence institute (3IA) was approved on Wednesday 24th April by the French State with a budget of 18.5 million Euros per year over 4 years.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 30/04/2019
  6. Picture of the month - April 2019

    Strange fish
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 30/04/2019
  7. Picture of the month - January 2019

    Ocean under a sky of steel
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 09/02/2019
  8. Project Management

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 07/12/2018
  9. Educational offer

    Phelma, formally ENSERG, ENSPG and ENSEEG, is an engineering school of Grenoble INP which was, with the Politecnico and the EPFL, the originator of the project...
    • Type : Article
    • - 29/06/2009
  10. Minatec

    Since June 2006, Grenoble is hosting the national centre for innovation in micro and nanotechnology (the Minatec centre) under the initiative of the CEA (the Centre for Atomic Energy) , the Institut Polytecnique of Grenoble (Grenoble INP) and local authorities. By 2005, nearly 180 million Euros were invested in this project.
    • Type : Article
    • - 29/06/2009