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  1. Confirmation of attendance - Christmas party

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 04/12/2017
  2. Thesis defense by Lu SHI

    From MAX Phases to MXenes: Synthesis, Characterization and Electronic Properties
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 04/12/2017
  3. PhD defenses in 2016

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 01/12/2017
  4. Picture of the month - November 2017

    Silicon single crystal (Kyropoulos)
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 06/11/2017
  5. Paper by Franz Bruckert 2017

    The paper "Diamagnetically trapped arrays of living cells above micromagnets" has been published in Lab on a Chip
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 30/11/2017
  6. Paper by Valérie Stambouli 2017

    The paper "Synthesis and characterization of tin dioxide thick film modified by APTES in vapor and liquid phases" has been published in Journal of Materials Science
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 30/11/2017
  7. Paper by Long Le Tran 2017

    The paper "Vaporization and condensation in the Al4C3-SiC system" has been published in Journal of the European Ceramic Society
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 30/11/2017
  8. Pictures of the month 2016-2017

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 27/09/2017
  9. PhD Defense of EL DIRANI Hassan

    « Detailed Investigation of band-modulation devices in advanced 14 nm and 28 nm FDSOI technologies »
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 22/11/2017
  10. Grants and scholarships

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 20/11/2017