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  1. Cultural and leisure activities

    Situated in a unique natural environment in the heart of the French Alps, Grenoble is a town with an enjoyable way of life, where anyone interested in sport can live out their passion. The French press consistently ranks Grenoble at the top of the list of French cities where it is good to be a student.
    • Type : Article
    • - 22/04/2013
  2. In synergy with the world of research

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 10/06/2013
  3. "High Tech" platforms to get trained

    The broad scope of topics covered by Phelma’s School requires important technological means. The presence of a broad scientific community in Grenoble provides the school with extremely varied topic possibilities in addition to its own technological means.
    • Type : Article
    • - 22/06/2009
  4. Why come to Phelma? Teaching assets

    Besides being a public engineering school (as most of the French engineering schools are) and providing its students with excellence training, Phelma has teaching assets that imparts originality and responsiveness on it...
    • Type : Article
    • - 22/06/2009
  5. You said A "Grande Ecole" ?

    Phelma is what the French system calls a Grande Ecole. After two years of preparatory classes and a strong national competition, students might enter the school and the duration of the training at Phelma is 3 years (equivalent to the third Bachelor year and the two master years).
    • Type : Article
    • - 21/09/2009
  6. International Coffees: Japan!

    The 8th International Coffee will be dedicated to Japan, on Wednesday, February 17 at noon (room A046).
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 15/02/2016
  7. Seminar LMGP - 28/04/2016 - Dr. Mikhael Bechelany

    Biobased interfaces for Energy, Environmental and Health applications
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 09/02/2016
  8. Seminar LMGP - 10/03/2016 - Pr. Mustafa Yavuz

    Graphene-NEMS Device Packaging
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 10/02/2016
  9. Seminar LMGP - 09/03/2016 - Kévin MUSSELMAN

    Brighter LEDs and better photovoltaics with spatial atomic layer deposition
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 09/02/2016
  10. Seminar LMGP - 11/02/2016 - Dr, Fabrice Gourbilleau

    Si-based Conversion frequency layer for Si Solar Cell
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 05/01/2016