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  1. April 28th 2015- Séminaire LMGP - Mélanie Lagrange - Silver nanowire-based transparent electrodes: study of physical properties and application in transparent heaters

    • Type : Actualité
    • - 06/04/2015
  2. April 7th, 2015 - LMGP Seminar : Prof.Susan Krumdieck - What is so hard about industrial ceramic coatings?

    • Type : Actualité
    • - 06/04/2015
  3. PhD Defense of Fatima BARRAMI

    " Low-complexity direct detection optical OFDM systems for high data rate communications."
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 03/04/2015
  4. CEMAM vidéo presentation + focus on IRP2
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 27/03/2015
  5. Clubs and societies

    Over 30 student clubs and societies offer all sorts of activities and events. Whatever you are into, from sport, to culture, humanitarian action, leisure or entrepreneurship- there is something for you. At Grenoble Institute of Technology, participation to the life of clubs and societies is viewed as an integral part of training.
    • Type : Article
    • - 06/03/2006
  6. A unique scientific background

    Located in Grenoble, Phelma is at the centre of a fundamental and applied scientific research cluster associated with one of the biggest industrial fabric in Europe.
    • Type : Article
    • - 22/06/2009
  7. International Masters' programmes

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 25/11/2008
  8. Plasmonic detection

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 17/06/2014
  9. Electrical and electrochemical detection

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 22/05/2014
  10. Protein interactions with biomimetic lipid membranes

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 31/03/2014