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  1. 6 winners of the prestigious 2024 Eiffel scholarship program, joining Grenoble INP - UGA

    This year, 6 students supported by Grenoble INP - UGA are winners of the prestigious Eiffel scholarship program developed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 30/05/2024
  2. International student board (BIE)

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 04/09/2012
  3. As an Exchange student

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 14/11/2011
  4. Welcoming to our spring exchange students

    Welcome to our new exchange students who have joined Ense3 this spring semester!
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 22/03/2024
  5. International semesters

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 25/02/2020
  6. Master in Industrial Engineering

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 24/11/2022
  7. Michael HAS

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 27/05/2024
  8. - Semester 10

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 23/05/2024
  9. - Semester 9

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 23/05/2024
  10. Highlights 2021

    • Type : Page libre
    • - 10/05/2024