Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Masters of Science

Master of Science in Informatics -MOSIG-

The objective of the Master of Science is to offer to all students, regardless of country of origin, access to world-class graduate training in areas of informatics where the scientific research community in Grenoble is particularly strong

MoSIG is a highly competitive, two-year European Standard (LMD) graduate program, taught in English, offering training in those areas:

  • Cloud Computing & Data Infrastructures (CCDI)
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Systems (AAIIIS) - track shared with M2 AI programme


Master in Applied Mathematics

The Master of Applied Mathematics (AM) offers a large spectrum of courses, covering areas where the research in applied math in Grenoble is at the best level. Our graduates are trained to become experts and leaders in scientific and technological projects where mathematical modeling and computing issues are central, in industry or research. A large and distinguished graduate Faculty participate in the program, bringing their expertise in a wide range of areas of mathematics including applied analysis, numerical analysis and scientific computing, probability theory and statistics, computational graphics, image analysis and processing, and applied geometry.

This master is one year program (M1) that can be pursued by one of the following Master 2 in Grenoble:

  • Master of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics: M2 MSIAM
  • Master in Cybersecurity: M2 CySec
  • Master in Operations Research, Combinatorics and Optimization: M2 ORCO


Master in Cybersecurity -CySec-

The Master of Science in CyberSecurity program is a one-year graduate program dedicated to cybersecurity, a field of excellence in the Grenoble techno pole.

CySec is a highly competitive, second year European Standard (LMD) graduate program, taught in English, it offers training in the areas of cybersecurity: secure protocols and infrastructures design and analysis; software and hardware implementations; coding and multimedia application; audit and forensics.


Master in Operations Research, Combinatorics and Optimization -ORCO-

ORCO is a highly competitive, second year European Standard (LMD) graduate program, taught in English, it offers training in all areas of Operations research, Combinatorics and Optimization:

  • Advanced Models and Methods in Operations Research
  • Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Theory
  • Optimization under uncertainty
  • Logic and Transport
  • Advanced Heuristic and Approximation Algorithms
  • Advanced mathematical porgramming Methods
  • Efficient Methods in Optimization
  • Academic and Industrial Challenges
  • Parallel Systems


International Master in Communications Engineering and Data Science -CoDaS-

CoDaS is a two-year M.Sc. program offered by three European universities: Aalto University, Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management, and Técnico Lisboa (University Lisboa). Students spend one year in one of these universities and the second year in another university.

This Programme covers a range of timely industry topics relevant to modern fields of engineering consisting of competences from electrical engineering, automation, programming, communications, data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, network security, and Internet of Things



Master of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics -MSIAM

The Master of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics program offers a large spectrum of courses, covering areas where the research in applied math in Grenoble is at the best level

It is a highly competitive, one-year European Standard (LMD) graduate program, taught in English, offering training in the areas of Data Science, Modeling, Scientific Computing & Image analysis.


Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence -AI (M2 only in 2025-2026 - M1 to be open in 2026-2027)

The Master of Artificial Intelligence aims to provide all students, irrespective of their country of origin, with access to top-tier graduate training in AI fields where Grenoble's scientific research community excels.

The learning objectives of the AI ​​Master are designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in AI. The main axes are as follows:

  • Acquisition of In-Depth Knowledge: Students will acquire a deep understanding of the theoretical and practical principles of AI. The program covers areas such as machine learning, knowledge representation, natural language processing, among others.
  • Advanced Technical Skills: Students will be trained to use specific programming tools and languages, such as Python and CUDA, and will work on practical projects to implement AI solutions.
  • Practical Applications: The program encourages the application of AI concepts to real-world problems, with examples drawn from fields such as health, finance, robotics, etc.
  • Ethics and Responsibility: Given the ethical implications of AI, the program includes modules on ethics and social responsibility of AI engineers. A specific Teaching Unit has been created to address these aspects.

The different tracks offered in the programme are the following:

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Systems (AAIIIS) - track shared with Mosig programme
  • Foundations and Advanced Methods in Machine Learning (FAMML)


French State controlled Master's degree

French State controlled Master's degree