Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Master's Degree in Engineering Grenoble INP - Ensimag, Mathematical modeling, vision, graphics and simulation


Unknown label

National Master of Engineering Degree
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Campus
  • Duration 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Available as
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education


This branch offers a range of applied mathematics and computer courses which provide the skills required for modeling, simulation and optimization of complex systems. Four predefined options (Modeling, Computational Science and Simulation, Image, Virtual Reality and Multimedia, Decision-Making Aid, Bio-Informatics) develop a strong and coherent base in a specific domain which is complemented according to each student's choice of additional study.


This branch aims to train students as engineering consultants, design engineers or research engineers in the domains of imaging and multimedia, numerical modeling, scientific computation and visualization, statistical analysis and decision making.

  • Training partners



    • LIG,
    • LJK,
    • TIMA,
    • VERIMAG,
    • GIPSA,
    • ICA,
    • TIMC,
    • LEGI,
    • Institut Fourier


  • Who should apply? Bac + 2, Bac + 3, Bac + 4
  • Tuition fees 535,50 € per year for initial degree programs
  • Available as :
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education

Entry requirements

To be admitted into Year 1 (at two years of post-secondary study), students must have completed two years of preparatory courses (science-track or Institute of Technology common preparatory program) or have earned an undergraduate degree from a university (in France, mainly DUT or L2).

Admission into Year 2 as a regular student for the two-year curriculum is open to foreign candidates holding a bachelor's degree. This leads to the French degree Diplôme d'Ingénieur Grenoble INP - Ensimag (Master of Science in Engineering).
It is also open to exchange and double-degree students from Ensimag's partner universities.

Apply now

  • As a regular student following the 3 year curriculum. Web-based application. Deadline: early June, with notification of results in early July
  • As an exchange student for one or two semesters. Your university must have signed an exchange agreement with Grenoble INP - Ensimag
  • As a double-degree student (in the framework of double-degree bilateral agreements)
  • As a research intern in a research laboratory. Exchange student application forms submitted no later than:
    • May 31st for an arrival in September (first semester)
    • November 15th for an arrival in February (our second semester)
    • at least three months before arrival for internships.
--> Visit the Admissions section of the school’s website


General information

International relations Ensimag

Academic information


  • Course duration 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Internships abroad


Semesters 5 and 6

Year 1 common core curriculum:

Semesters 7 to 9

Different options for Semester 9
Elective semester
Semester 9 can be completed in one of two cross-disciplinary programs that concern all majors:

Semester 10

The semester 10, the last of the final year of studies is dedicated to the Graduation Project and associated internship (30 ECTS credits) which can be performed either in a research laboratory or in industry. 

Through this final project, the student, as a full-time member of a working team, is able to synthesize the knowledge he or she has acquired and put it into practice in a professional context. The student is involved in a full-scale project. The results are presented in a project report to a committee made up of professionals and Ensimag Faculty members.

Board of examiners

Each semester is worth 30 ECTS credits, spread out over the different courses completed. Students must obtain a grade of at least 10/20 in each course to obtain the credits.


  • Language of instruction Mainly French, occasionally with slides in English. A few courses may be offered in English. French language competence is required.
  • Internship abroad Yes
  • Erasmus areas Mathematics, Statistiques, Computer science

International exchange

Students in this major benefit from many agreements between Grenoble Institute of Technology and partners around the globe in the form of exchange programs, dual-degree programs, internships, and more.

Visit the International section of the school’s website

Information on available scolarships

Are you a foreign student with a Master level qualification wanting to study at one of the six engineering Schools of the Grenoble Institute of Technology? You can find all the funding schemes available for you course in Grenoble on our website at Grenoble INP.


  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7

Expected learning outcomes

Modeling, simulation and optimization of complex systems.



  • engineering consultants,
  • design engineers
  • research engineers


  • imaging and multimedia,
  • numerical modeling,
  • scientific computation and visualization,
  • statistical analysis and decision making.

Further learning opportunities

Education through research

Year 3 students planning to go on to a PhD program can earn a dual degree with another Master’s program relevant to their first major within the Grenoble University system.

French State controlled diploma conferring a Master's degree

French State controlled diploma conferring a Master's degree

Further information

Your contacts for academic information


An internship in France or another country is required.