Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Telecommunications - M1


ECTS credits Number
of hours
Common core module
Algorithms and Object-oriented Programming 4 36
Operating Systems and Concurrent Programming 3 36
Statistical Principles and Methods 3 36
Software Engineering Project 6 21
Human sciences economics and management
Management Sciences and Professional Integration 5 72
Personal Professional Project 1 18
English /or French (for English natives) 3 36
Sports and Artistic Activities 2 48
Second foreign language (optional) bonus 36
Common core Telecommunications module
Operating System lab 1.5 18
Networks 4 54
Stochastic Processes and Performance Evaluation 3.5 54
Common core Telecommunications module (SEM 2)
Principles of Data Bases Management Systems 3 36
Large Operator Networks 2.5 36
Digital transmission systems 2.5 36
Information and Coding Theory 2.5 36
Specialization project 6 20
Elective course to be chosen among the following: 6
Network Security 1.5 18
Signal Processing lab 1.5 18
Functional Blocks for Mobiles 2.5 36
Audio and video coding 2.5 36
A course offered in the Software and System specialization 2.5 36