My experience at ENSIMAG has been very positive. I took the double degree program doing Financial Engineering, and I am currently working in Tokyo in an investment bank.
However, the beginning was kind of tough, specially because I didn't speak French when I arrived to Grenoble, so during the first months it was difficult for me to follow the lectures, take notes and all this kind of stuff a student must do. But once you get a good level of French everything goes smoothly. On the other hand, I enjoyed all the aspects of the Erasmus life : parties, meeting lots of people and, of course, skiing. Yes, skiing, because if you love skiing, Grenoble is your place. It's located in a perfect spot, close to most of the best ski stations in Europe, and you can ski every week-end if you want!. So, if you want to: have a wonderful time, learn French, empower your career, ski, meet nice people... Grenoble is your place!!
Albert Pastó Jorquera, Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, Espagna