« This Master's program is really pluri-disciplinary, a well-balanced education in Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Electronics. The courses are taught by recognized Faculty members who publish research papers frequently and who regularly attend international conferences. All the lectures are taught in English, which is a significant added value, especially for me, since I intend to begin my professional career abroad.
CSE training gives the opportunity to spend one year abroad as the first year of the program is at Politecnico di Torino. During the first three weeks, Politecnico di Torino provides intensive Italian lectures which allow us to manage everyday life. Before going in Italy, I had never spoken Italian, and now I am fluent: one more language in my curriculum!
Thanks to the Master CSE degree program, I have realised that Telecommunications rely on different fields. I particularly developed an interest on the Radiofrequency domain. I intend to specialize myself in this topic after my end of studies project. »
CSE training gives the opportunity to spend one year abroad as the first year of the program is at Politecnico di Torino. During the first three weeks, Politecnico di Torino provides intensive Italian lectures which allow us to manage everyday life. Before going in Italy, I had never spoken Italian, and now I am fluent: one more language in my curriculum!
Thanks to the Master CSE degree program, I have realised that Telecommunications rely on different fields. I particularly developed an interest on the Radiofrequency domain. I intend to specialize myself in this topic after my end of studies project. »
« Through this program, it is really interesting to learn a foreign language, enjoy another culture and find out new work methods. For example, in Italy, we have developed our self-sufficiency. When we came back to Grenoble, teachers were impressed about the quality of our work and particularly about our hindsight and autonomy.
This Master's program is highly looked for by recruiters. The program being in two different countries is a real added-value for languages competences. »
This Master's program is highly looked for by recruiters. The program being in two different countries is a real added-value for languages competences. »
« What motivated me was the international profile of this program: I had the opportunity to spend one year abroad but also to obtain a grant from Politecnico di Torino to register for the Master of Science of the University of Chicago, Illinois (comprising additional lectures and a research project). After the first year at Politecnico, I started a research project in the Electronics and Computer Engineering Department of Chicago University. I am currently doing my end of studies project at Roma, in a start-up, working in the field of RadioFrequency IDentification (RFID). I have been proposed this project by the French embassy in Italy.
I really enjoyed the international environment around CSE training, I met Spanish, Chinese and Indian people... My flatmates were Portuguese, Italian and French. All the courses are of high technical level and taught in English. This training is particularly looked for by companies. When I was interviewed for my end of studies project, I realised that it is a real added-value to follow an international curriculum.
Another significant advantage is that I can benefit from my American degree to work several years in the United-States. I would like to change countries regularly, meeting different people and discovering new cultures. This is really what I like, and CSE Master's degree gave me the opportunity to do that. »
I really enjoyed the international environment around CSE training, I met Spanish, Chinese and Indian people... My flatmates were Portuguese, Italian and French. All the courses are of high technical level and taught in English. This training is particularly looked for by companies. When I was interviewed for my end of studies project, I realised that it is a real added-value to follow an international curriculum.
Another significant advantage is that I can benefit from my American degree to work several years in the United-States. I would like to change countries regularly, meeting different people and discovering new cultures. This is really what I like, and CSE Master's degree gave me the opportunity to do that. »

End of studies project at Thalès, at Toulouse
End of studies project at Roma, in a start-up