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  1. UNITE! Metacampus will become a reality

    The UNITE! community has started a collaborative process in order to put in place a virtual Metacampus UNITE!. This is a challenging process that has to lead to early results in the medium term. The decision of the Alliance to start designing a common digital platform, is a turning point, and at the same time a challenge and an exciting starting path on which the community has enthusiastically engaged, as the need of such a tool is viewed as a key need for the visibility and growing of the concept of a European university.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 03/12/2020
  2. The H2020 project of the European University Alliance Unite! officially launched

    To address the 2030 vision on the future of universities in the field of R&I in Europe by developing, in synergy with its educational dimension, an integrated, shared and long-term research and innovation (R&I) strategy: this is the aim of Unite.H2020 project, that has been launched by a kick off meeting among the 7 European partners universities of the Unite! European University Alliance.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 04/02/2021
  3. Grenoble INP - UGA is organizing the 3rd Unite! Dialogue : A public session on European Values and Innovation

    The third instalment of the biggest Unite! internal event is approaching. Now, for the first time, the 3rd Unite! Dialogue Grenoble will open its doors to the public through a dedicated session on "European Values and Innovation".
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 08/02/2021
  4. 3rd Unite! Dialogue Grenoble: an evolving event for an ever-growing alliance

    Unite! convenes again for its big event, the Unite! Dialogue, from 8th to 10th March 2021. This regular meeting between the members of the alliance and key guests is a great opportunity to strengthen the links and foster further collaboration within the alliance.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 05/03/2021
  5. The 3rd Unite! Dialogue online: A 100% success

    From March 8 to 10, Grenoble INP – UGA organized the 3rd Unite! Dialogue, bringing together online representatives, personnel and students from the 7 university partners of the Unite! European University*. This Dialogue was the 3rd after those in Aalto, Finland in February 2020 and in Lisbon, Portugal, in September 2020.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 29/03/2021
  6. Unite! Charter on Diversity and Inclusion

    As a pioneering European university alliance, Unite! is aware of its social responsibilities to provide extensive accessibility to and fair opportunities within higher education, as well as its impact on the shaping of future leaders in a globalised society.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 27/04/2021
  7. The Unite! Metacampus moves to beta phase!

    The Unite! Metacampus, our digital platform connecting the 7 universities of the alliance, has finished the alpha tests and moves forward with its implementation.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 10/06/2021
  8. First Unite! Spring School brings together 70 students from all over Europe to discuss Sustainable Energy

    Last May, 11 students from Grenoble joined 60 others in the first ever Spring School, organised online by Politecnico di Torino, our Italian Unite! partner. Read on about this international event, focusing on the theme of tomorrow’s energy and listen to individual reactions from Grenoble-INP UGA participants.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 25/06/2021
  9. Unite! invites you to join our session "Unite! for sustainable energy" at the 2021 European Researchers' Night

    Unite! for sustainable energy will be held on the 24th of September, from 10 to 11.30 (CET) in English. It will be a joint session interactive session, including students and researchers from each partner university.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 22/09/2021
  10. Join this years’ Unite! Students’ hackathon themed “From post COVID University to inclusive European university”

    Unite! is organising an online hackathon which will take place from 22 to 26 November 2021 (5 to 7pm CET) via online Zoom meetings. It aims at getting together different groups of students of different partners’ universities to work on a collaborative project solution for the University of the Future. You have until November 15th to register and the winner will get to travel to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology Dialogue in March to present the results of the Hackathon.
    • Type : Actualité
    • - 23/09/2021