Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Object oriented programming / Java

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 15.0
    • Internship 30.0
    • Laboratory works 15.0


    ECTS 4.0


This teaching aims at providing a methodology of object oriented design and programming. Both object-oriented design by means of UML class and object diagram, and programming with Java, will be reviewed.

Contact Nicolas CASTAGNE


1. Introduction to object design
2. Principle of object-oriented design. UML: class and object diagrams
3. Introduction to Java
4. from UML to Java
Many examples and practical cases will be commented. A few design patterns will be introduced.


Standard algorithmic


Give kind of exam for session 1 and session 2: written, allowed documents or not, oral, practical work, reports, plan, vivas

Additional Information

Curriculum->ASI / Semester alternative->Semester 8


Jean-Michel DOUDOUX : « Développons en Java » - livre « en ligne » : http://www.jmdoudoux.fr/java/dej/indexavecframes.htm.

Bruce Eckel --- Thinking in Java, livre accessible à l'adresse
et sa traduction française http://penserenjava.free.fr/.

S. Flanagan. Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly, 1997 – second edition.