Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Coding and Security of Networks - 4MMCSR6

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 15.0
    • Tutorials 15.0


    ECTS 2.5


Pervasive use of interconnected computer systems and the diversity of threats on open networks have made the infrastructure security a major issue.
This course presents the main aspects to consider to build a distributed computing system running safely, even in open environment (ie in the presence of random errors and / or malicious attacks).
The focus is on:

  • applied cryptology and coding technologies to ensure the integrity of communications, and their effective integration in telecommunication applications;
  • applied security: the various attacks to consider and their defense countermeasures. Reading and understanding of recent research articles related to applied security will be discussed.
Contact Jean-Louis ROCH


Part 1. Coding technologies for communications integrity :
1. Introduction: presentation of basic technologies in cryptology. Symetric encryption (OTP, AES). Asymetric encryption (ECDLP/El Gamal). One-way hash functions and pseudo-random generators.
2. Error detection in networks - CRC coders and decoders (LFSR circuits). Examples (Ethernet and GSM).
3. Error-correcting codes (interpolation). Reed-Solomon coding and decoding. Application.
4. Error bursts and interleaving. Applications: CIRC code for CDs and DVDs; RAID disk systems.
5. Application to correlation attacks. Example: Siegenthaler sur GSM.

Part 2 : Applied security and attacks
1. Web applications anc network security.
2. Key sharing and PKI architecures.
3. Overflows and Shellcode
4. Fuzzing of protocols
5. Research: advances in test of protocols security.


  • Basic knowledges in Applied probabilities and numerical methods (linear algebra, arithmetics) (1A / L3),
  • Basic knowledges in Information theory, Algorithmics (L3, M1 semester 1)
  • Basic knowledges in Architecture, Networks.


2 written exams, 1h30 each.
Mark = 2/3 (ET1+ET2) + 1/3 (TP/EO)

  • ET = Written exam
  • EO = Oral exam / presentation
  • TP = Pratical work

Workload: 36 hours lectures + 21h homework + 3h exam = 60 h

1 examen de 2h
Note = 2/3 (ET) + 1/3 (TP)
ET = Examen Theorique
TP = Travail Individuel en binôme (note = Exposé Oral + Conpte-rendu écrit)

Charge de travail totale : 36 heures encadrées + 22h travail personnel + 2h examen = 60 h


  • JG Dumas, JL Roch, E Tannier, S Varrette, Théorie des Codes, Dunod Sciences Sup. 2007
  • The Web Application Hacker's Handbook - finding an exploiting security flaws - 2nd edition, Dafydd Stuttard, Marcus Pinto, 2011
  • The Shellcoder's Handbook - discovering and exploiting security holes, Chris Anley, John Heasman, Felix "FX" Linder, Gerardo Richarte - 2nd edition, 2007
  • Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography
  • Michael Whitman, Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery
  • Garfinkel, Practical UNIX and Internet Security, Third Edition