Number of hours
- Lectures 22.5
- Projects -
- Tutorials 22.5
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 5.0
Introduction to formal language theory and compilers.
Sylvain BOULME
Parsing of context-free languages
- Kleene's least fixpoints
- Context-free languages / BNF definition
- Parse trees
- Definitions of semantics and interpreters by attributed BNF
- Abstract syntaxes
- Generative Grammar and Chomsky Hierarchy
- LL(1) parsing
Compiler Construction
- Study of a compiler for a mini-Java (object-oriented language).
- Main components: parsing, verification, code generation
- Link with term project in software engineering
Equivalence between Finite Automata and Regular Expressions.
2 written examinations of two hours, one at the end of each term.
In "session 2": only one two-hours exam.
- Un examen par période donne la note de chaque période: NP2 et NP3
- Note Bilan Intermédiaire: NB2 := NP2.
- La note de session 1 est la moyenne pondérée des 2 examens :
NFS1 := (NP2+4*NP3)/5
- La note de session 2 est la note de l'examen de rattrapage :
NFS2 := NR.
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Work Study Education - Alternance 1ere annee
Additional Information
Course ID : 3MM1GC
Course language(s):
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- Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation de Hopcroft, Motwani & Ullman (2007)
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools de Aho, Lam, Sethi & Ullman (1988/2007)
- The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference - Terence Parr (2013)