Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 18.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 4.0
On the client side (frontend), we will discuss the languages ??HTML, CSS, Javascript and the ReactNative framework.
On the server side (backend), we discuss the MVC architecture in a node application with the express framework.
On the development side, the implementation of integration and continuous deployment techniques using gitlab.
Sebastien VIARDOT
The entire course takes place in the machine room, as the practicals progress
1) Basic web concepts (HTTP, HTML, CSS)
2) Client side scripting language (javascript)
3) Asynchronous programming via event management and Ajax
4) Authentication (session, JWT)
5) MVC architecture with Node express
6) Continuous integration (code quality, tests)
7) Continuous deployment (deployment in pages, in the cloud, generation of applications)
Introduction to imperative programming
Object oriented modeling
Elementary concepts of networks
Quiz, Labs and One programming work with report (CC)
N2=N1 (pas de rattrapage)
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Financial Engineering - Semester 9
Course ID : 5MMCAFS
Course language(s):
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