Volumes horaires
- CM 27.0
- Projet -
- TD 9.0
- Stage -
- TP -
- DS -
Crédits ECTS
Crédits ECTS 6.0
This courses studies human-computer interaction (HCI) with a focus on increasing the efficiency of the communication between users and computing services. Technology appears to be unlimited regarding which form of user interfaces can be implemented. However, users have strong limitations regarding what they can perceive and what they can do in a given amount of time. Human Centered Interaction approaches the HCI problem as the optimization of the human input/output bandwidth through better HCIs.
The objectives are to:
- acquire a fundamental knowledge on the human sensorimotor capabilities used in interacting with computers,
- be aware of the state of the art of novel forms of HCIs,
- become familiar with methodological approaches to study human capabilities and HCI efficiency,
- be able to identify and understand the bottlenecks in current HCIs,
- be able to design new forms of HCIs that improve the efficiency of the interaction.
Francois BERARD
- Human sensorimotor capabilities and limits: perception, control.
- Modeling the interaction between users and computers.
- Optimizing the interaction with touch, gestural, mobile and 3D interaction.
- Benefits of multimodal interaction
- Design elements of multimodal interaction
Students work in groups of 2 during the whole semester on an HCI study. They chose an HCI problem of their choice (moderated by the professors), analyze the problem, propose a new interaction, prototype and evaluate it, and they present their work to the class at the end of the semester.
PrérequisFundamental knowledge on computing and human-computer interaction (digital information, programming, input devices, graphical user interfaces).
Session 1: Project (75%), written exam 2h (25%)
Session 2: The project grade is kept (75%), oral exam 0.5h (25%).
S1: Project (75%), exam écrit 2h (25%)
S2: Conservation de la note de projet, examen ora 0.5h (25%).
L'examen existe uniquement en anglais
Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 Informatique - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais )
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 Informatique - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais )
Code de l'enseignement : WMM9MO35
Langue(s) d'enseignement :
Vous pouvez retrouver ce cours dans la liste de tous les cours.
S. Card, T. P. Moran, and A. Newell. The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1983.