Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

International Master in Communications Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS)



National diploma
  • Home institution(s) Grenoble INP - Ensimag
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Campus
  • Duration 2 ans (4 semestres)
  • Available as
    • Initial education


Master’s Programme in Communications Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS) is an international joint master’s degree programme offered by five European universities: 

  • Aalto University, Finland 
  • Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, France 
  • Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal  
  • Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany 
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain 

In this two-year master’s programme, you will study at least in two of partner universities and two countries, one year at both.  

CoDaS is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) programme, funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


The objectives of the joint CoDaS M.Sc. are the following:
  • to strengthen student education in the key area of Communications Engineering and Data Science with foreseen major future impact,
  • to contribute to the graduation of engineers in the already much needed area of the degree, putting together the competences of telecommunications and data analysis,
  • to offer a variety of courses on complementary specializations at the Partners: 5G and Automation at Aalto U., Data Science and 5G at U. Lisboa, and CyberSecurity at Grenoble INP,
  • to address current and future challenges related to Information and Communication Technologies and sustainable development,
  • contribution to the goals of the European Union Digital Strategy.


This Programme covers a range of timely industry topics relevant to modern fields of engineering consisting of competences from electrical engineering, automation, programming, communications, data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, network security, and Internet of Things.

Students will acquire expertise in a range of techniques covering the broad areas of mathematics, modelling and analysis of signals and systems, data science, artificial intelligence, security, networks and distributed systems.

During their studies, students will also acquire expertise in other areas, such as project planning and management, teamwork and coordination, entrepreneurship, critical thinking and sustainability. The Program will empower students to solve industry-relevant problems employing cutting-edge tools of artificial intelligence, automation and control theory, data analytics, network security, wireless systems, distributed systems and signal processing. Students will be trained in the design and analysis of machine learning models and communication systems, advance their knowledge in the broad field of computer networks and cybersecurity, and gain professional experience through tailored industry-relevant projects and entrepreneurship trainings.

  • Training partners


    • Aalto University, Finland 
    • Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, France 
    • Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal  
    • Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany 
    • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
    CoDaS is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) programme, funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. 


  • Who should apply? Bac + 3, Bac + 4
  • required training
    To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in Informatics and  Mathematics, or equivalent (compatible studies).
  • Tuition fees 8000 EUR/academic year
  • Available as :
    • Initial education

Entry requirements

The application process has two phases:

  • Phase 1. Application and document submission
  • Phase 2. Motivation video submission

Admission information

Apply now

Link to the application form : Apply now!


Academic information

Responsable pédagogique
Andrzej Duda


  • Course duration 2 ans (4 semestres)


CoDaS is an international joint master’s programme, where you will study at least in two partner universities. The Programme is structured into 2 years: 

First year: basic studies common in all Consortium Universities: 

  • General studies (languages, soft skills) 
  • Mathematics/Programming/Security 
  • Communications engineering 
  • Data Science 

Second year: specialization studies, specific to all Consortium Universities, and Thesis

  • Communications, Data Science, and Security (Grenoble INP) 
  • Communications and Data Science (Técnico Lisboa) 
  • Communications, Automation, and Machine Learning (Aalto University) 
  • Communications, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics & Biomedicine (TU Braunschweig) 
  • Communications, 5G/6G and Internet of Things, and Data Science (UPC) 

Knowledge assessment

All Consortium Universities can be either Home University (first year) or Host University (second year). On the first year, you will complete courses with 60 ECTS at Home University and on the second year, you will complete courses with 30 ECTS and the thesis with 30 ECTS at Host University. On the first year, you will already get a chance to study your field of specialization by completing a course online provided by the second year university. 

All students of the programme are required to study at two countries other than their country of residence at the start of studies. If you are a resident of the country of the Home or Host University before starting in the programme, you are required to complete the final semester (thesis work) in another Host University or within the industry in another country. 

The total number of credits of the programme is 120 ECTS. 

After completing the programme, you will graduate from the two universities you have completed 60 ECTS, including the thesis. You will be granted a double degree, meaning that you will receive a diploma from both universities.


  • Language of instruction English
  • Internship abroad No
  • Erasmus areas Mathematics, Computer science


  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7


Researches and development
Researches and high education

Further learning opportunities


Your contacts for academic information

Responsable pédagogique
Andrzej Duda

Useful information

Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA
681 rue de la passerelle
38400 Saint Martin d'Hères
Phone : +33 4 76 82 72 00
Fax : +33 4 76 82 72 99
On the web