Number of hours
- Lectures 19.5
- Projects -
- Tutorials 16.5
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 4.0
To present an introduction to securitization of information systems by introducing key concepts and their application in current systems. The domains covered range from securing a private workstation to securing large distributed corporate networks. Topics studied include: fight against viruses and worms, setting virtual private networks, how to preserve authentication and trust in communications, etc.
Sebastien VIARDOT
The module is largely based on the assignments to be made, consisting of fault analysis, the responses needed to limit the impacts (anticipation and reaction), and propose experiments to implement them.
The topics covered in the framed sessions are :
- Introduction to the course, legal warning, assignments presentation.
- Lab : Docker and vagrant, and setting up a security challenge
- Good and bad use of crypto
- Authentication methods
- Certificates PKI, Kerberos, oauth2, case, SSO
- PKI Certificate Lab
- Blockchain
- Local vulnerability and good practices
- identification (3 factors), solutions. Identity theft
- media confidentiality - encryption / access
- Access rights and best practices
- Exploits and answers
- Hardware flaw, illustration via meltdown and spectrum (if not otherwise processed)
- Buffer overflow lab
- Network failures and good practices
- Snort Lab
- WEB security
- WEB security lab
- Protocol verification
- Protocol verification lab
Operating systems and concurrent programming
First session :
2 homeworks and evaluation based on peers review
Second session : None
- MCC en présentiel et distanciel **
N1=CC sur devoir sur temps libre et évaluation par les pairs
N2=N1 non rattrapable
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Information Systems Engineering - Semester 9
Course ID : 5MMSDSI
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
- Team Computer security
You can find this course among all other courses.