Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Master of Artificial Intelligence (AI)



National diploma
  • Home institution(s) Grenoble INP - Ensimag
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Mention
    • Informatics
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Campus
  • Duration 12 months
  • Available as
    • Initial education


The Master of Artificial Intelligence is jointly offered by UFR IM²AG, the Department of Informatics and Mathematics at Université Grenoble Alpes, and Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA, a school of engineering specializing in Applied Mathematics and Informatics of Grenoble INP.

The academic program is a highly competitive, two-year graduate program adhering to European standards (LMD), structured into Master 1 and Master 2 levels.


The Master of Artificial Intelligence aims to provide all students, irrespective of their country of origin, with access to top-tier graduate training in AI fields where Grenoble's scientific research community excels.
The learning objectives of the AI ​​Master are designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in AI. The main axes are as follows:

  • Acquisition of In-Depth Knowledge: Students will acquire a deep understanding of the theoretical and practical principles of AI. The program covers areas such as machine learning, knowledge representation, natural language processing, among others.
  • Advanced Technical Skills: Students will be trained to use specific programming tools and languages, such as Python and CUDA, and will work on practical projects to implement AI solutions.
  • Practical Applications: The program encourages the application of AI concepts to real-world problems, with examples drawn from fields such as health, finance, robotics, etc.
  • Ethics and Responsibility: Given the ethical implications of AI, the program includes modules on ethics and social responsibility of AI engineers. A specific Teaching Unit has been created to address these aspects.


  • Who should apply? Bac + 4
  • Available as :
    • Initial education

Entry requirements



  • Course duration 12 months


  • Language of instruction English
  • Internship abroad No
  • Erasmus areas Mathematics - Computer science, Mathematics, Statistiques, Computer science, Artificial intelligence

Useful information

Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA
681 rue de la passerelle
38400 Saint Martin d'Hères
Phone : +33 4 76 82 72 00
Fax : +33 4 76 82 72 99
On the web