Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Master of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (MSIAM)



National diploma
  • Home institution(s) Grenoble INP - Ensimag
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Campus
  • Duration 2 ans (4 semestres)
  • Available as
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education


Currently, applied mathematics is an area that provides many job opportunities, in industry and in the academic world. There is a great demand for mathematical engineers on topics such as scientific computation, big data analysis, imaging and computer graphics, with applications in many fields such as physics, medicine, biology, engineering, finance, environmental sciences.


The Master of Science in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (MSIAM) offers a large spectrum of courses, covering areas where the research in applied math in Grenoble is at the best level.

It is a highly competitive, two-year European Standard (LMD) graduate program, taught in English, offering training on:

  • Data Science
  • Modeling, Scientific Computing and Image Analysis.


Our graduates are trained to become experts and leaders in scientific and technological projects where mathematical modeling and computing issues are central, in industry or research. A large and distinguished graduate Faculty participate in the program, bringing their expertise in a wide range of areas of mathematics including applied analysis, numerical analysis and scientific computing, probability theory and statistics, computational graphics, image analysis and processing, and applied geometry.

Further information on M1 AM website.
Further information on M2 SIAM website.

  • Training partners


    • LIG,
    • LJK,
    • TIMA,
    • VERIMAG,
    • GIPSA,
    • ICA,
    • CERAG,


    • Université Grenoble Alpes


  • Who should apply? Bac + 3, Bac + 4
  • required training
    To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, or equivalent.
  • Tuition fees Registration fees for initial training: public university fees (more information on the "Apply now" section)
  • Available as :
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education

Entry requirements

MSIAM is a two-years Master Degree. Students can apply to M1 (1st year) or directly to M2 (second year).

Admission in M1 (MSIAM 1st year)

  • Anyone holding a L3 or Bachelor Degree in mathematics or applied mathematics or an equivalent degree, interested in pursuing a high level mathematical education and motivated by the applications of mathematics. The minimum requirement is to have earned at least the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits.

Admission in M2 (MSIAM 2nd year)

  • Anyone holding a first year of master (60 ECTS credits) in mathematics or applied mathematics or an equivalent degree, interested in pursuing a high level mathematical education and motivated by the applications of mathematics. The minimum requirement is to have earned at least the equivalent of 240 ECTS credits.

Important notes

  • Students from related backgrounds (physics, computer science, engineering, …) may also apply provided they possess outstanding mathematical qualifications and are highly motivated by applications.
  • Eligibility: only individuals who have an excellent academic record will be considered. Applications from students from traditionally underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged.
  • Academic standing: Fellows must maintain full-time status in the Master’s program, and must be engaged in full-time coursework or research during the academic year (september 1st–July 31st).

Language requirements

  • Students from countries where English language is not the primary language are required to provide evidence of Competence in English. The requirement is waived for applicants from English speaking countries as well as applicants whose previous degree is from a program taught in English. English scores required: TOEFL IBT 78 min or TOEFL paper 547 min or TOEIC 700 min or IELTS 6 min or Cambridge FCE. This is equivalent to the CEFR CEFR level B2, although we will consider applicants with a B1 level and who have an excellent academic record.
  • An A2 level in French is recommended.


Academic information

M1 : Boris Thibert et Sylvain Meignen
M2 : Christophe Picard et Sana Louhichi

Education contact

Contact : msiam@ensimag.fr


  • Course duration 2 ans (4 semestres)
  • Internships mandatory


Tracks during fall semester

The first semester of MSIAM master 2 is essentially divided in two tracks. Each student should be registered in one of the following tracks:

  • Modelling, Scientific Computing and Image analysis (MSCI)
  • Data Science

However a personalized track may also be build for some students from the available courses (if no timetable conflicts appears). The personalized tracks must be approved by the Professors in charge of MSIAM.

Academic program

  • 30 ECTS scientific courses (3 or 6 each, excluding French language course).

Detailed program


  • Language of instruction English
  • Internship abroad No
  • Erasmus areas Mathematics, Computer science


  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7


  • researcher or engineer in applied mathematics, statistics, data science, scientific computing, imaging, geometry
  • in industry such as transports, manufacturing (any innovative object is concerned by MSCI and CAD), Medical / Pharmaceutical (modelling of systems [CT scanner, MRI, hybrid imaging, robots, etc.], life and biomedical modelling), Chemical (modelling and simulation of reactions), Environment, Big Data (data and image modelling and analysis) …

Further learning opportunities

Depending on the nature of their practicum, students may wish to pursue research in a doctoral thesis.