Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Medical Applications: from Imaging to Guiding - 5MMAMIM

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 36.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 3.0


The objectives are:

  • to introduce computational tomography, i.e. the mathematical reconstruction of 3D medical images from 2D projections
  • to present how image processing, AI, simulation and robotics can be combined for image-guided surgery

This course will demonstrate how skills from your other courses can be used in the booming medical field.




This course is organized in two parts:

1. Tomography
3D CT images can be reconstructed from multiple projectional radiographs. This problem can be solved directly as the discretization of an analytic solution, or discretized first and then numerically solved through iterative reconstruction methods. This course will present the mathematical basis of tomography, illustrated by lab sessions to implement several reconstruction algorithms.

2. Image-guided therapy and surgery
This second part, less theoretical, will present:

  • the main components of a computer-aided medical intervention system, through specific clinical applications
  • medical images segmentation and fusion with standard and learning-based methods
  • biomechanical modeling for surgical planning and simulation
  • surgical navigation and medical robotics for intra-operative guiding

In addition to the lectures, a session of visits and demonstrations will be organized by industrial companies.


Fourier transforms and numerical methods, for the tomography part.


Evaluation: Project presentation
Analysis & design of a computer-aided medical intervention system

  • lab sessions on tomographic reconstruction methods (Jupyter Notebooks)
  • technical report of the industrial demonstrations
  • group presentation of computer-aided medical intervention system

Session 1: N1 = 1/4 TP + 1/4 CR + 1/2 P
TP: compte-rendus individuels des TP tomographie
CR: compte-rendus individuels de visites industrielles
P: projet en groupe (ne se rattrape pas en session 2)

Session 2: N2 = 1/2 P + 1/2 E2
E2: examen de session 2. Oral, 30 minutes, tous documents autorisés.


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Math. Modelling, Image & Simulation - Semester 9
see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 5MMAMIM
Course language(s): FR

The course is attached to the following structures:

You can find this course among all other courses.


Journals (Medical Image Analysis, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Computer-aided surgery, MRCAS, etc.) and conferences books (MICCAI, MMVR, etc.)