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- CM 18.0
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Crédits ECTS
Crédits ECTS 3.0
The Model Driven Engineering is an iterative development approach in which the software development process is based on a set of step-by-step refinements (or integration) of models. The development process is hence seen as a gradual transformation of a Platform Independent Model (called PIM), which specifies a business solution independently of the target technologies, to a Platform Specific Model (called PSM) which describes how this solution can be implemented. The objective of this course is firstly to present various complementary approaches to building models and secondly, to conceive and to put into practice domain specific modeling languages. The theoretical concepts of the course are illustrated through various MDE platforms: EMF/Ecore, TopCased/OCL, XText, etc.
1) Theoretical foundations of MDE - Modeling from contemplative to productive - Technological spaces - meta-modeling and mega-modeling
2) Designing a a model - Concrete Vs Abstract syntax - Tool-based support: EMF/Ecore
3) Domain Specific (Modeling) Languages - Grammars and meta-models - XText: a tool-support for DSLs
4) Modeling semantics - Contextual constrains - The Object Constraint Language
Software engineering course
L'examen existe uniquement en anglais
Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 Informatique - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
Code de l'enseignement : WMM9MO02
Langue(s) d'enseignement :
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