Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 1.5
This course will provide an introduction to modern techniques for Bayesian pattern recognition and machine learning. We will begin with a review of linear regression, generative and discriminative methods for linear classification and the use of Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines. We will then examine Bayesian Networks, Gaussian Mixture Models and principal components analysis.
The course will provide basic competence in machine learning methods that can be used to construct systems for data mining, communications, signal analysis, computer vision, speech recognition, man-machine interaction, and intelligent systems.
This course will be taught in French using an english language text book.
The course will closely follow the development of the text book by Chris Bishop's text book on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
S1: Introduction, probability distributions, likelihood.
S2: Bayesian Probability Theory
S3: Gaussian Probability Density Functions
S4: Multivariate Gaussian Probability Density Functions
S5: Principal Component Analysis
S6: Mixture Models and Clustering
S7: Generative Methods for Classification
S8: Fisher Linear Discriminant and Perceptrons
S9: Perceptron and Kernel Methods
S10: Neural Networks
S11: Support Vector Machines
S12: Combining Models, Boosting.
Linear Algebra,
Multivariate Calculus
Probability and Statistics.
Type of assessment (e.g.: practical work, regular attendance, participation):
Type of examination (written, oral, practical work): written examination
Specific room:
Duration: 3h
Allowed documents (e.g., none, summary on one A4 hand-written sheet, dictionary, every document): every document allowed
Unauthorized documents (e.g;, books, every document):
Material (e.g., calculators):
- authorized material: calculators allowed
- unauthorized documents: every other electronic material
Type of examination (written, oral, practical work):
Specific room:
Duration: 3h
Allowed documents (e.g., none, summary on one A4 hand-written sheet, dictionary, every document): every document allowed
Unauthorized documents (e.g;, books, every document):
Material (e.g., calculators):
- authorized material: calculators allowed
- unauthorized documents: every other electronic material
N1 = 0.5E1 + 0.5TD
N2 = 0.5E2 + 0.5TD
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Math. Modelling, Image & Simulation - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Math. Modelling, Image & Simulation - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5MM2537I
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
You can find this course among all other courses.
Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer Verlag, 2006.
R.V. Hogg, J. M Kean and A.T. Craig.: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (7th Edition). Pearson, United Kingdom (2012).