Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Practice and Management in business

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 12.0
    • Tutorials 6.0


    ECTS 3.0


This module aims at going deeply into the study of the main levers of the management of a firm in a trade environment. The stake is to undecline the different levers of action such as marketing, finance, human resources, production, while insisting on the interdependence of these levers. At the same time, students can choose a specific module on « entrepreneurship ». In that case, students have an exemption of this module.


Project management
Commercial contracts
If some students want to : a special workshop on CV and/or a game on project management.


Basic knowledges of the enterprise


1st session
Coporate Policy : NPGE1
Marks for the course will be defined as follow:

  • 50% Final exam: Measurement of concepts acquisition (individual) --E1
  • 30% Oral presentation of a case study (group) --CC
  • 20% Presence and participation to discussions in class (individual)-- A

Diagnostics financiers
Devoir surveillé : étude de cas portant sur un diagnostic financier -- NDF1

2nd session:
Coporate Policy : NPGE2

Only the final exam (50% E2) is offered at this session.

Diagnostics financiers : NDF2
Devoir surveillé : étude de cas portant sur un diagnostic financier

N1 = (NPGE1+NDF1)/2
N2 = (NPGE2+NDF2)/2

NPGE1= (5*E1+3*CC+2*A)
NPGE2= (5*E2+3*CC+2*A)


P. Cabane, « L’essentiel de la finance à l’usage des managers », Eyrolles 2ème édition 2008, 387p

Kotler Philip, Dubois Bernard, Manceau Delphine (2003), Marketing management, 11ème édition, Pearson Education

Lispe (collectif HEC) (2009), Strategor : Toute la stratégie d'entreprise, 5ème édition, Dunod.