Number of hours
- Lectures 10.5
- Tutorials 16.5
ECTS 3.0
This course presents the fundamentals of Database Management Systems (DBMS) with emphasis on relational systems.
Contact Sylvain BOUVERETContent(s)
The theoretic part covers the following topics: DBMS functionalities, overview of the most common data models, the relational approach and database design.
For the relational model we study the normalization theory, relational algebra and the Structured Query Language (SQL2) for data definition and manipulation.
Concerning database design we will work out the entity-relationship model and introduce rules to translate an E/R schema into a relational one.
The pragmatic part of the course aims at familiarizing students with the use of the Standard Query Language (SQL). We will the Oracle 10g DBMS fro the practical work.
A complementary project is proposed to the develop a multi-user database application using a relational DBMS.
Final exam (3h) (E)
- T. Connolly et C. Begg, Systèmes de Bases de Données, Editions Reynald Goulet, 2005
- C. Delobel and M. Adiba, Bases de données et Systèmes Relationnels, Dunod informatique, 1982
- G. Gardarin, Bases de Données, Eyrolles, 2003.
- J.-L. Hainaut, Bases de données : Concepts, utilisation et développement, Dunod, 2009
- S. Navathe, R. Elamasri, Fundamentals of database systems, second ed., Adison-Wesley Pub, 1994
- J. Ullman, J. Widom, A First Course in Database Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1997