Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Requirements Engineering - WMM9MO06

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 18.0


    ECTS 3.0


Models play a central role in the engineering of software and information systems. The goal of this course is to first focus on the construction of models, corresponding to requirements and processes, and then to address the transformation of these models towards code or technological platforms (Model-Driven Engineering).

The course is illustrated by several case studies in order to experiment the methods proposed in the lessons and get started with the support tools. Home work, based on the reading of research articles and the use of tools, is required from the students on the topic of process management. It will take the form of oral presentations.

Contact Yves LEDRU


1. Intrinsic difficulties of requirements engineering (3h)
(requirements poorly understood by the customer, conflicting needs or stakeholders, finding the balance between design decisions and implementation freedom)
2. Presentation of two requirements engineering methods (Kaos and Problem Frames) (9h)
(Kaos is a goal oriented requirements engineering method, based on the identification and refinement of high level goals until their assignment to software or human agents; Problem Frames focuses on the identification of known requirements patterns, which lead to well-understood solutions).
3. Business Process Management (BPM) (9h)
(Business processes in some organisation, Foundations of the Business Process Management approach, BPMN language for Business Process modelling, tools for the execution of business processes)
4. Concepts and tools of Model Driven Engineering and Language Engineering (12h)
(Models, meta-models, model transformation, dedicated languages, and their practical use;
This part of the course includes two practical parts: grammars and metamodels (XText, EMF, Ecore tools) and validation of contextual constraints in OCL (Topcased).



Semester 9 - The exam is given in english only 

  • Written exam: 80%
  • Personal work: 20% (kept unchanged for the second exam session)

Additional Information

Semester 9 - This course is given in english only EN

Curriculum->Master 2 in Computer Science->Semester 9