Number of hours
- Lectures 9.0
- Laboratory works 9.0
ECTS 2.5
This course covers the design and implementation of static and dynamic websites by giving a survey of existing web technologies such as AJAX, PHP and JSP. It also addresses interactions with databases in a 3-tier architecture and some concepts related to security of web applications. The development process presented in this course is based on the coherence between the conceptual bases of a website and its architecture.
This project is a direct exploitation of principles viewed in the PRINCIPLES OF DATA BASES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS course.
Contact Noha IBRAHIM, Akram IDANIContent(s)
1) Basic concepts of web applications
2) Development of dynamic web pages
3) Illustrations based on PHP
4) Overview of object oriented web technologies: JSP, JavaBeans, Servlets
5) Session management and websites security
6) Deployment of the MVC model for web applications
In this project, students will have to build an application using a database. They will analyse the specific needs, build an Entity/Relationship schema, translate it into relational schema, implant this one in the Oracle DBMS. Functionalities of the application will also be analysed and translated into transactions and queries. Those ones will be tested on Oracle and then implemented in Java using the JDBC API.
Object oriented modeling
Elementary concepts of networks
Java programing language, Principle of Database Management Systems course.
One programming work with report (P)
Final report and presentation/demo.
N1 = P
Philippe Rigaux, Pratique de MySQL et PHP. OReilly 2003.
Jérôme LAFOSSE, Guide de développement d'applications web en Java. Epsilon 2009.
- C. Delobel, M. Adiba, Bases de données et Systèmes Relationnels, Dunod informatique, 1982
- G. Gardarin, Objet et Relationnel , Eyrolles, 2003
- T. Connolly et C. Begg, Systèmes de Bases de Données, Editions Reynald Goulet, 2005
- J.-L. Hainaut, Bases de données : Concepts, utilisation et développement, Dunod, 2009
- S. Navathe, R. Elamasri, Fundamentals of database systems, second ed., Adison-Wesley Pub, 1994
- J. Ullman, J. Widom, A First Course in Database Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1997