Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022


  • Number of hours

    • Tutorials 20.0


    ECTS 1.5


Supply to the students elements allowing them of:

  • Understand the environment of companies and the constraints;
  • Acquire the basic notions indispensable to the understanding of the management of company (marketing, accounting and financial microeconomic, human, legal information system, resources;
  • Understand the interactions between the main functions of the company.
    Supply to the students the necessary tools:
  • for a written and oral professional report
  • for groupwork.

Contact Tarik LARJA


  • 1) Management
  • Marketing: mix, life cycle of the product.
  • Accounting finances: calculation of cost prices, balance sheet(assessment), income statement(profit and loss account), financial analysis.
  • Microeconomy: the market, its parameters, commercial strategy, affectation(appointment) of the result(profit).
  • Social: social climate, human resources management, payment.
  • Legal: social forms.
    2) Communication
  • Written communication
  • Oral expression
  • working group habilities




  • ½ : analysis of the company results
  • ½: oral presentation. The notation of the verbal statements is based on the following criteria: respect of assigned time, adaptation of the speech to the chosen problems, comprehension of the subject, oral ease, use of supports.
    The note thus obtained is undervalued (from -1 to +1) according to the performances of management (classification given by the simulator with taking into account by the organizer of the segmentation). The delivered notes can be the object of modulations according to absences, an obviously insufficient individual work or de participation of great quality.

Written exam for second session.

N1=1/2 E1 + 1/2 O

Additional Information

Curriculum->CORE->Semester 1


La lecture des quotidiens, hebdomadaires et mensuels économiques constitue la base de la bibliographie. Citons : Alternatives économiques, Capital, Challenges, l’Usine Nouvelle, Les Echos, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Libération, Les enjeux des Echos.
Ouvrage : L’entreprise en 20 leçons - Pierre Conso, Farouk Hémici – 4ème édition – Dunod, 2006.
Michel BRUNEAU, Catherine POTEL : L’art de la formule expliqué aux scientifiques ; Cépaduès éditions, 2006.

Reading of the daily newspapers, weekly and monthly economic magazines.