Number of hours
- Lectures 33.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 3.0
This unit provides an overview of financial markets: organization, products...
After completing this unit, students should be able to 1) understand the mechanics of financial markets and derivative products such as forward and future contracts, options and swaps; 2) understand how to use such contracts to hedge portfolio risk; and 3) examine market prices to determine wether arbitrage bounds are violated.
Financial markets organization: Nyse-Euronext example
Forward and Futures contracts
Options contracts
Grading is only based on an open book final exam (2 hours) with calculators (no computer).
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Financial Engineering - Semester 8
Course ID : 4MMMF6
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
- Team Finance.
You can find this course among all other courses.
Hull J. - Options, futures, et autres actifs dérivés. – Pearson Ed., 8ème édition, 2011
L. Gitman & M. Joehnk – Fundamentals of investing – Pearson Ed, 9ème édition, 2005
Fabozzi F.J., E.H. Neave and G. Zhou - Financial Economics - Wiley, 2012