Number of hours
- Lectures 39.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 18.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 21.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 6.0
Embedded Systems and Smart card: problems related to implementation of a secured system; how theoretically secure algorithms can be rendered insecure by implementation; using dedicated hardware primitives for secure implementations
Quantum Crypto: How very small hardware and quantum physics change the way to deal with data
Embedded Systems et smart card :
Basics of embedded systems design; smart cards, structure et physical attacks; Design for Test and attacks to test structures; side channel attacks; fault attacks; countermeasures; Software security in embedded systems: Hardware Trojan et physical unclonable functions (PUF).
- basics of quantum mechanics
- how to use quantum information for computations: quantum circuits et algorithms
- description of quantum information: density matrices, measures POVM, fidelity, entropy
- error correcting codes for quantum
- complexity of quantum communication
- theoretically secure cryptography through quantum information: key exchange protocole BB84
Crypto Primitives cryptographiques, digital design, algorithms, linear algebra
Final grade computed through: final exam (EX), lab work (TP), and presentations (CC)
N = 50% EX + 25% TP + 25% CC
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master in Computer Science - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master in Applied Mathematics - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : WMM9SY05
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
Not strictly required. Some optional references:
- Mangard, Stefan, Oswald, Elisabeth, Popp, Thomas: Power Analysis Attacks (Springer, 2007)