Ensimag Rubrique Formation 2022

Real time systems, realistic modelilng and implantation - 5MMSTRM7

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 18.0
    • Laboratory works 6.0


    ECTS 4.0


Contact Pascal RAYMOND


The theoretical part is divided into two parts:

  • The "automatics" part, where we study the problems of uncertainty in the modeling
    and the robustness of the command.
  • The "implnatation part", where we study the problem of deterministicaly implement
    the control software. This part is based on the so-called synchronous approach,
    and considers both mono and multi tasking.


For the "automatics" part, the courses "Introduction à la commande des systèmes embarqués" ands
"Implantation de système de contrôle" are strongly recommanded.
The course "Modèles du temps et du paraléllisme" (2a) is useful, but not striclty necessary
for the "implantation" part.


Give kind of exam for session 1 and session 2: written, allowed documents or not, oral, practical work, reports, plan, vivas


Additional Information

Curriculum->Embedded Systems and Software->Semester 5