Courses and group of courses name | ETCS | hours per student |
Common Core Telecom Semester 1 common core TELECOM ALGORITHMIC AND OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 4.0 36.0 OPERATING SYSTEMS AND CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING 3.0 36.0 Courses depending student school (choice of 1 child element) Core curriculum for Ensimag Numerical data management 2.5 36.0 Probabilistic models for learning 2.5 36.0
Spcialit2A Telecom TELECOM Spcialit2A Semester 1 Operating Systems Development 1.5 18.0 Networks 4.0 54.0
2nd year projects SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PROJECT 6.0 22.5
Economic social sciences, of the management of the company Mandatory SHEME courses ENGLISH 1.5 18.0 Sports 1.0 24.0 Project Management 1.0 4.5 Project staff and professional integration 1.0 1.5
2nd language (optional) REMEDIAL ENGLISH 1.0 18.0 High-level sports and arts 0.0 0.0 TANDEM Project 1.0 0.0 GERMAN 1.0 18.0
SPANISH 1.0 18.0
French for RI students French as a foreign language 1.5 18.0
French (RI) French 1.75 18.0
ITALIAN 1.0 18.0
Arab (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0
Chinese (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0
Japanese (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0
Portuguese (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0
Sign languages (LANSAD) Sign language (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0
Swedish (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0
Russian (LANSAD) 1.0 18.0