Courses and group of courses name | ETCS | hours per student |
2A MMIS Speciality Speciality courses MMIS semester 2 Optional courses 2nd semester (choice to add up between 10.0 and 13.0 ECTS) FabLab and innovation - 4MMFABLI 2.5 0.0 Introduction to research in laboratory - 4MMIRL 2.5 0.0 Course choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) Human Computer Interaction - 4MM2IHM 2.5 33.0 Human-Computer Interaction - 4MMIHM 2.5 33.0
MMIS Course choice 9 (choice of 1 child element) Morphological and statistical approches for signal and image - 4MMAMSSI 2.5 33.0 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY - 4MMMB 2.5 33.0
Course choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) 3D Graphics - 4MM2G3D 2.5 33.0 3D COMPUTER GRAPHICS - 4MMG3D 2.5 33.0
Course choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) DATA MINING AND MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS - 4MMFDASM 2.5 33.0 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - 4MMMPS 2.5 33.0 Multimedia - 4MMMULT 2.5 33.0
Course choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) Intelligent Systems: Reasoning and Recognition - 4MM2SIRR 2.5 31.5 ADVANCED PDE MODELS - 4MMMVAM 2.5 33.0
Courses choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) CODES: CRYPTOGRAPHY, COMPRESSION, ERROR CORRECTION - 4MMCRY 2.5 33.0 Human-Computer Interaction - 4MMIHM 2.5 33.0
Course choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) Human Computer Interaction - 4MM2IHM 2.5 33.0 CODES: CRYPTOGRAPHY, COMPRESSION, ERROR CORRECTION - 4MMCRY 2.5 33.0
Course choice for MMIS (choice of between 0 and 2 child elements) 3D Graphics - 4MM2G3D 2.5 33.0 ADVANCED ALGORITHMS Approximation, parallel and randomized algorithms - Complexity - 4MMALGOA 2.5 33.0 3D COMPUTER GRAPHICS - 4MMG3D 2.5 33.0 ADVANCED INFERENTIAL STATISTICS - 4MMSIA 2.5 33.0 IMAGE PROCESSING - 4MMTI 2.5 33.0
Course choice for MMIS (choice of 1 child element) 3D Graphics - 4MM2G3D 2.5 33.0 IMAGE PROCESSING - 4MMTI 2.5 33.0
Economic social sciences, of the management of the company Mandatory SHEME courses ENGLISH - 4MMANG 1.5 16.5 Sports - 4MMAPSA 1.0 22.0 Speciality management project - 4MMGDPS 1.0 4.5
2nd language (optional) TANDEM Project - 4MMTAND 1.0 0.0 GERMAN - 4MMALL 1.0 16.5
SPANISH - 4MMESP 1.0 16.5
French - 4MMFRA 1.0 18.0
ITALIAN - 4MMLITA 1.0 18.0
Arab (LANSAD) - 4MMLARA 1.0 18.0
Chinese (LANSAD) - 4MMLCHI 1.0 18.0
Japanese (LANSAD) - 4MMLJAP 1.0 18.0
Portuguese (LANSAD) - 4MMLPOR 1.0 18.0
Sign languages (LANSAD) Sign language (LANSAD) - 4MMLSIG 1.0 18.0
Swedish (LANSAD) - 4MMLSUE 1.0 18.0
Russian (LANSAD) - 4MMLRUS 1.0 18.0