Course list
First year (bachelor degree) | ||
- 3MMALG1:Algorithms and data structures 1 | 7 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMARC1:Architecture 1: digital circuits and computer architecture elements | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMRTEL:Communication networks | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMUA:Advanced unix utilisation | 0 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMAI:Analysis for engineers | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMPA1:Applied probability 1 | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMSMAT: | 0 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMTL1:Formal language theory 1 | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMALLEM:German | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMANG9:English | 1.5 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMAPSA:Sports,physicals and artisticals activities | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMEG:Economy | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMESP:Spanish | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMGEC:Business management and communication | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMITAL:Italian | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMMI:Innovation management | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMPS:Philosophy of sciences | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 3MMSANG:Remedial english | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 3MMALG2:Algorithms and data structures 2 | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMLB:Low-level software | 1.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMPLC:Software project | 4 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMMNB:Introduction to numerical methods | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMRO:Operations research | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMTL2:Language theory 2 | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMAA:Applied analysis | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMARC2:Architecture 2 : design and implementation of digital circuits | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMIUG:Graphical user interfaces | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMLI:Logic for computer science | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMPA2:Applied probability 2 | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMTS:Signal processing | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMNP: | 1 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMPE: | 1 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMPHES: | 1 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMPPP:Personal professional project | 1.5 | Semester 2 |
- 3MMSIU:Introduction to unix | 0 | Stage de rentrée |
Second year (master degree 1) | ||
- 4MMPGL:Software engineering project | 6 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMALL:German | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMANG:English | 1.5 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMAPSA:Physical education and sports | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMCECA1: | 2 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMESP:Spanish | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMFE:Corporate finance | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMGDP1: | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMITA:Italian | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMPGE: | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPPIP: | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMSANG:Remedial english | 1 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMAUT:Control theory | 3.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMEDPDF:Partial differential equations and finite difference method | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMGAMN:Graphs and applications - upgrade | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMIHM:Human-computer interaction | 2.5 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMISETR:Introduction to real-time operating systems | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMMG:Computer aided geometric design | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMMNA:Advanced numerical method | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMMPS:Production and operations management | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMMULT:Multimedia | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMON:Numerical optimization | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPA:Random processes | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPS:Practice of operating systems | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPSAF:Stochastic processes with application in finance | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMRES:Networks | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMRU:Networks for users | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMTF:Finance theory | 2.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMTLCMN:Language theory and compilers - level upgrade | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMAPMA:Algorithms and programming - level upgrade | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMAPOO:Algorithmic and object oriented programming | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPBDS1:Database project | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPMS:Statistical principles and methods | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPSGS1:Principles of database management systems | 3 | Semester 1,Semester 2 |
- 4MMS1A:Rex internship phelma | 0.5 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMSEPS1:Operating systems and concurrent programming | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 4MMPSPE:Project of speciality | 6 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCED: | 0.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCEDP: | 0.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCEMR: | 0.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCERH: | 0.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMDA: | 1 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMMF:Financial markets | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMACVL:Software analysis, design and validation | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMALGOA:Advanced algorithms approximation, parallel and randomized algorithms - complexity | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMARCA:Advanced computer architecture | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMASM:Multivariate statistical analysis | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMBFM:Analog bloc for mobile applications | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMBMC:Molecular and cellular biology | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCAV:Audio and video coding | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCAWEB:Construction of web applications | 1.25 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCRY:Codes: cryptography, compression, error correction | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCSE:Operating systems design | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMCSGBD:Inside object-relational database management system | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMG3D:3d computer graphics | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMICN:Coding theory) | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMICSAF:Introduction to stochastic calculus and financial applications | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMIIIA:Inference in computer science and in artificial intelligence | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMIMM:Mathematical morphology | 1.25 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMIS:System integration | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMISC:Implementation of control systems | 1.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMMEDP:Advanced pde models | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMMFTP:Formal models for time and parallelism | 1.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMMP:Modelisation and programming | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMOC:Combinatorial optimization | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMPI:Probability for computer science | 1.25 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMROTV:Telco networks | 3.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSAP:Semantics and program analysis | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSD:Dynamical systems | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSEPS2:Système d'exploitation et programmation concurrente | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSIA:Advanced inferential statistics | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSIRR:Intelligent systems: recognition and reasoning | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSR:Network security | 1.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSTN:Digital transmission systems | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMTER:Research project | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMTI:Image processing | 2.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMTSP1:Signal processing labwork | 1.25 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMTSSI:Signal and image statistical processing | 1.25 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMPBDCO:Data base and object oriented design, project | 1.5 | Semester 2 |
- 4MMSATTL:Intensive course: formal language theory | 0 | Stage de rentrée |
Third year (master degree 2) | ||
- 5MMAIRS:Architecture of integrated radio systems | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMLRP:Lab rf project | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMNTS:Numerical transmission systems | 5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMOFCS:Optical fiber communication systems | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPQM:Project and quality management | 5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMWN:Wireless networks | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMALLE0:German | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMANGL0:English | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMAPSA:Physical education | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMDROIT: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMES:Economy and society | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMESPA0:Spanish | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMHST:History of science and technology | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMITAL0:Italian | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPP0: | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPS: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSANG: | 1 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSG: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5GMPLT: | 1.125 | Semester 1 |
- 5GMPTLOA: | 6 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMAD:Thematic algorithms : distributed algorithms | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMAL:Thematic software engineering : software architecture | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMAMI: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMAP: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMBDM:Image database | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMBDRED:Distributed data and data warehousing | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMBIC: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMBIOI:Bioinformatics | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCAR:Engineering distributed applications | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCC: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCEAMC:Conception et exploration d'architectures, multi-coeurs, reseaux sur puce | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCIF: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCPF:Parallel computing for financial applications | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCSI:Thematic information systems : industrial information systems | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCTIF: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCTISI:Conférences technologiques | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCTMMI: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCTSL0: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMCTTE0: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMECIS:Sle implementation case study | 4.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMEP:Thematic networks : performance evaluation | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMEPA0: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMFAI:Formation and analysis of images | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMFI:International finance | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMFSL:Thematic software engineering : system and software reliability | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMGA: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMGB:Banking management | 3.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMGDRF2: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMGL:Software engineering | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMGPSI: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMGRD:Thematic software systems : distributed data management | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMIA3D:Thematic software engineering : ingenierie de l'animation 3d | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMIAR:Distributed applications | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMIARL:Engineering distributed applications | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMIDM:Thematic information systems : model driven engineering | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMIF: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMISSI:Introduction to information systems security | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMATIC:Modèle d'affaires des tic | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMB: | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMCVF:Coupling methods and finite volume methods | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMMMF:Microstructure of financial markets | 3.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMOD:Discrete optimisation techniques | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMRM:Modeling and revenue management | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMS:Surface modeling | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMSDS:Data sources and services mediation | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMSF:Financial statistical methods | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMSSI:Security models | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMTSP:Transaction-level modeling of systems-on-chip | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMMVSCT:Thematic software engineering : modeling and verification of concurrent and real-time systems | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMNAS:New service architectures | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMOATI:Wavelets and applications to image processing | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMOSMI: | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPATAC:Atac project : java card applications | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPCESI: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPCIS:Security project | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPDAC:Projet dac : développement d'applications communicantes | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPDACF:Projet dac : développement d'applications communicantes | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPEPS:Project: evaluation of structured products | 3.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPGIAS: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPI:Inverse problems | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- project | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPLTVS:Multimodal speech synthesis | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPPMMF:Fianancial mathematical programmation project | 3.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPRA:Networking project | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPSMF: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMRA:Thematic networks : advanced computer networks | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMRDA:Advanced computer networks | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMRFA:Pattern recognition and machine learning | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMRM:Thematic networks : mobile networks | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMRSFC:Mobile networks | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSAR:Distributed systems and applications | 5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSCRBS:Complex systems, networks and systems biology | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSD:Thematic algorithms : distributed systems | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSDBA: | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSFHD:High speed wireless | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSIA:Computer graphics : rendering and animation | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSIP:Sip et voix sur ip | 1.5 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSR:Systemes reparties | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSRVA:Virtual and augmented reality systems | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSSE:Embedded systems security | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSSI:Information systems security | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMSTRMR:Real-time systems, realistic modeling and implantation | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMTF: | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMTIMV:Advanced image processing | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMTLSFT:Software testing & reliability, fault tolerance | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMVS3D:Scientific visualization | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMVSE:Validation of embedded systems | 2 | Semester 1 |
- WMMA532E:Advanced stochastic calculus | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- WMMA532F:Monte-carlo methods in financial engineering | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- WMMA532V: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- WMMA532W: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- WMMA533F: | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- WMMA534E: financial risk management i | 1.75 | Semester 1 |
- 5MMPFE:Final study project | 30 | Semester 2 |
Master degree 1 Mosig | ||
- WMM42E0:Data base foundation | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42E2:Introduction to human computer interaction | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42E4:Principles of computer networks | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42E5:Intelligent systems: reasoning and recognition | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42E6:3d graphics | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42E71:Introduction to perception and robotics | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42E8:Introduction to cryptology and coding | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42F1:Adaptive computing systems | 3 | Semester 2 |
- WMM42F2:Introduction to image analysis | 3 | Semester 2 |
Master degree 2 Mosig | ||
- WMM53C1:Advanced cryptology | 6 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53C2:Multimedia applications | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53C3:Coding and fault tolerances | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53O1:Audit and norms in security - smart card security | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53O2:New trends in cryptology : biometrics, quantum cryptography and pairings | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53S1:Advanced security of systems and networks | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53S2:Hardware and embedded systems security | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53S3:Distributed algorithms and faults tolerance | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53S4:Project : deployement of a secured grid infrastructure | 3 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53T2:Security models : proofs, protocols and politics | 6 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53T3:Symmetric and asymmetric cryptology ; pki architectures | 6 | Semester 1 |
- WMM53T4:System administration and network security | 3 | Semester 1 |
Year of speciality after a master | ||
- 6MMALGO:Algorithms and object oriented programming | 5 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMMCS:Modelisation and scientific computing | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMPR:Network protocol laboratory | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMRES:Networks | 2 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMSEO:Computers operating system | 9 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMSGBD:Database management systems | 3 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMTLC:Language theory and compilers | 4 | Semester 1 |
- 6MMCOOJ:Object oriented programming / java | 4 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMRO:Operations research | 2 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMAO:Computer architecture architecture computer project - processor card | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMCAR:Distributed applications | 2 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMPAO:Architecture computer project - processor card | 3 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMGL:Software engineering | 1 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMIIHM:Computer-human interaction | 2 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMPCOMP:Compilation project | 2 | Semester 2 |
- 6MMPPI:Internet programming techniques | 2 | Semester 2 |
First year (bachelor degree) | ||
- 3MM1IAU:Introduction to unix | 0 | période 1 |
- 3MM1RO:Operations research | 3 | période 1 |
- 3MM1LPI:Logic for computer science | 3 | période 2 |
- 3MM1ECO:Economics | 1.5 | période 2 |
- 3MM1LDB:Low-level software and c language | 3 | période 3 |
- 3MM1PGL:Software engineering project | 5 | période 3 |
- 3MM1GP: | 1 | période 3 |
- 3MU1ENT:Industry periods | 10 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 3MM1TLC:Formal language theory and compiler construction | 6 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 3MM1ANGN:English | 5 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 3MM1APS: | 2 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 3MM1PPP: | 1 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 3MM1PA:Probability | 3 | période(s) 1,3 |
- 3MM1AO:Computer architecture | 3 | période(s) 2,3 |
- 3MM1AP:Algorithms and programming | 6 | périodes (s) 1,2 |
- 3MM1API:Analysis for engineers | 6 | périodes (s) 1,2 |
- 3MM1GECI: | 1.5 | périodes (s) 1,2 |
Second year (master degree 1) | ||
- 4MM1ACVL: | 2 | période 1 |
- 4MM1AA:Advanced algorithm design | 2 | période 1 |
- 4MM1PMS:Statistical principles and methods | 2 | période 1 |
- 4MM1CV: | 0 | période 1 |
- 4MM1SMA:Strategy & marketing | 1.5 | période 1 |
- 4MM1PPI:Probability for computer science | 2 | période 2 |
- 4MM1DA: | 1 | période 2 |
- 4MM1GF: | 1.5 | période 2 |
- 4MM1PS:Operating system project | 5 | période 3 |
- 4MM1CC:Codes and cryptography | 1 | période 3 |
- 4MU1ENT: | 20 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 4MM1ANGN:English | 5 | période(s) 1,2,3 |
- 4MM1CAW:Construction of web applications | 2 | période(s) 2,3 |
- 4MM1SAP:Semantics and program analysis | 2 | période(s) 2,3 |
- 4MM1SE: | 4 | période(s) 2,3 |
- 4MM1SGBD:Database management systems | 4 | période(s) 2,3 |
- 4MM1MAN: | 1 | période(s) 2,3 |
- 4MM1RES:Networks | 4 | périodes (s) 1,2 |