Cursus ingénieur->Master Informatique->Semestre 9
Intitulés des modules/matières | ECTS | Volume horaire |
SHEME for Engineer (choisir entre 0 et 1 fils) Humanités Anglais - 5MMANGL6 3.0 12.0 Retour d'expérience - 5MMREX 1.0 5.0 Environnement, culture et langues (choisir entre 1 et 2 fils) Environnement et culture (choisir entre 1 et 2 fils) Facteur Humain pour la cybersécurité - 5MMCYB 1.0 16.5 Droit et informatique - 5MMDROI6 1.0 18.0 Socio-économie de l’innovation - 5MMSOCIO 1.0 18.0
Cours scientifiques MoSIG M2 (choisir entre 5 et 6 fils)
Semestre 9 Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text (M2 MOSIG) - WMMCAML 6.0 36.0 Advanced networking (M2 Mosig) - WMMCANW 6.0 54.0 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (M2 MOSIG) - WMMCMFML 6.0 36.0 From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning (M2 SIAM) - WMMCMLAK 6.0 36.0 Network Security - WMMCNWS 6.0 0.0 Réseaux avancés - WMMCRA 3.0 54.0
Choix ORCO (choisir pour totaliser 12.0 ECTS) GPU Computing - WMM9AM49 6.0 36.0 From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning - WMM9AM76 6.0 36.0 Learning, Probabilities and Causality - WMM9AM77 6.0 54.0 Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models - WMM9AM78 6.0 36.0 Efficient methods in optimization - WMM9AM87 6.0 36.0 Constraint programming, applications in scheduling - WMM9CO05 3.0 18.0 Graph and discrete structures - WMM9CO06 3.0 18.0 Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms - WMM9CO07 3.0 18.0 Advanced mathematical programming methods - WMM9CO08 3.0 18.0 Academic and industrial challenges - WMM9CO09 3.0 18.0 Transport logistics and operations research - WMM9CO10 6.0 54.0 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning - WMM9MO00 6.0 36.0 Multi-agent systems - WMM9MO27 3.0 18.0 Information visualization - WMM9MO37 3.0 18.0 Advanced Parallel systems - WMM9MO59 6.0 36.0 Fundamentals of data processing and Distributed Knowledge - WMM9MO60 6.0 36.0 Scientific methodology, regulatory and ethical data usage - WMM9MO61 6.0 36.0 Robotics - WMM9MO62 6.0 36.0 Cloud computing, from infrastructure to applications - WMM9MO69 6.0 36.0 Large scale data management and distributed systems - WMM9MO72 6.0 36.0 Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text - WMM9MO74 6.0 36.0 Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval - WMM9MO75 6.0 36.0 Information Security - WMM9MO80 6.0 36.0 Human computer interaction - WMM9MO82 6.0 36.0 Next generation software development - WMM9MO83 6.0 36.0 Safety critical systems : from design to verification - WMM9MO84 6.0 36.0 Cryptographic Engineering, protocols & security models, data privacy, coding & applications - WMM9SY03 6.0 78.0
Orco Advanced models and methods in operations research - WMM9CO01 6.0 36.0 Combinatorial optimization and graph theory - WMM9CO02 6.0 36.0 Optimization under uncertainty - WMM9CO03 6.0 36.0
SHEME for Engineer (choisir entre 0 et 1 fils) Humanités Anglais - 5MMANGL6 3.0 12.0 Retour d'expérience - 5MMREX 1.0 5.0 Environnement, culture et langues (choisir entre 1 et 2 fils) Environnement et culture (choisir entre 1 et 2 fils) Facteur Humain pour la cybersécurité - 5MMCYB 1.0 16.5 Droit et informatique - 5MMDROI6 1.0 18.0 Socio-économie de l’innovation - 5MMSOCIO 1.0 18.0
Scientific courses CySec